
The Academics Department is concerned with the day-to-day teaching and learning activities in the School. This office is charged with the responsibility of designing, implementing and supervising all teaching and learning activities in the school from time to time.


The Academics Department is headed by the Deputy Head Teacher in charge of academics, Mr. Alikisente Emmanuel. Under the Deputy Head teacher’s office is the Directorate of Studies headed by Mr. Kaweesi Francis, The Director of Studies.

The Director of Studies (DOS) is assisted by the Assistant DOS, Miss Grace Bajula, the Examinations Coordinator Mr. Waliggo David, and the Academics committee. The Academics Committee comprises of the following Representatives:

  • Science Department
  • Humanities
  • Business & Vocational
  • Languages
  • Ex-Officials (02)

Below the office of the Heads of department, there are Class Teachers and Class Captains. All the above generate ideas that form the Academic policy of the School.

Goals and Objectives
The Department of Academics is focused on the initiation of implementation of programmes that enable the School to continue excelling at National Examinations both the U.C.E and U.A.C.E Examinations.

The office of the Director of Studies is equally dependent on the technical advice of Heads of Department (Subject Heads) in the execution of its duties and responsibilities. The School’s Academic arm is made up of 17 Academic Departments which include;

English Language Department
Mathematics Department
Physics Department
Chemistry Department
Biology Department
History Department
Geography Department
C.R.E Department
Technical Drawing Department
Agriculture Department
Fine Art department
Business Studies Department
French Department
Kiswahili Department
Luganda Department
ICT Department